Category: Back

Upper and Mid Back Range of Motion

Body Region: Specific Area: Exercise Type: Equipment Used:
Back Upper/Middle Back Stretch N/A

These exercises should only be performed after evaluation by a qualified medical professional and under their instruction. Should you experience pain or discomfort while doing an exercise, stop immediately.

Upper and Mid Back Range of Motion

Your starting position is on your hands and knees on an exercise mat. Your weight is evenly balanced. Keep your stomach muscles activated and keep your back straight.

Next, imagine you're reaching energy up through the top of your head and arch up through your neck, upper shoulders, and upper back. Let the movement continue through your mid-back and imagine you're bringing your shoulder blades together. You're keeping your stomach muscles activated throughout this movement. You'll feel the muscular contraction in your upper and mid-back. Relax and return to the starting position.

Next, initiating the movement in your stomach muscles, round through your mid- and upper back, continuing the movement through your neck and letting your head round down. You'll feel the muscular contraction across your upper and mid-back. Relax and return to the starting position.