Category: Shoulders

Passive Shoulder Range of Motion with a Hand Weight

Body Region: Specific Area: Exercise Type: Equipment Used:
Shoulder Shoulder Stretch Hand Weight

These exercises should only be performed after evaluation by a qualified medical professional and under their instruction. Should you experience pain or discomfort while doing an exercise, stop immediately.

Passive Shoulder Range of Motion with a Hand Weight

Stand on your left leg with your right knee and calf supported on a cushioned chair or low sofa. Your weight is supported by your right arm which is placed securely next to your right knee. Bend your left knee a bit, bend your torso forward slightly, and let your left arm dangle from your shoulder. You're holding a hand-weight in your left hand.

Gently rocking your torso forward and to the left, and backward and to the right, allow your left arm to gently swing in a small counterclockwise circle. You're not using any shoulder muscles - the motion of your torso is causing your arm to move in the circle. Relax.

Repeat by rocking your torso forward and to the right, and backward and to the left, allowing your left arm to gently swing in a small clockwise circle. You're not using any shoulder muscles - the motion of your torso is causing your arm to move in the circle. Relax.